Friday, November 3, 2017

Jelly Bean Apocalypse

At WinCo, standing in line. Two guys in front of me have a tub of jelly beans. Craploads of jelly beans in one clear plastic tub. Then, well, somebody must have lost a grip on the tub I guess, because next thing everybody knows...


That's the sound of fifty trillion jelly beans exploding as a tub of them hits the floor.

"Fuckin hell," I remarked.

"That about sums it up," said one of the guys.

 I knelt down to help round up the critters, because it was definitely a three or more person job. As I'm catching escaped jelly beans and shoving them into a herd, I hear one of the guys, way far away where some other jelly beans were roaming free, say to his friend...

"So, exactly how germaphobic are you?"